Gateway leads the way on behalf of itself or the Owner in seeking partnerships and services from the local governments, agencies, real estate professionals and other stakeholders to select the preferred development site that meets the needs and functionality of the overall development business plan, taking into consideration the location, environmental conditions, proximity to residential and K-12, logistical concerns, local incentives, local partnering etc.
The Gateway Partners team is a solid part of the communities in which we serve. We invest and devout time in mentoring programs with the local schools to providing support and financial resources to numerous Not for Profits. Giving back and paying forward are words we live by!
Gateway Partners LLC is a privately held, urban markets real estate development firm based in Northwest Indiana that develops real estate assets as an Owner or we work on behalf of other Owner’s as a Owner’s Development Representative. Gateway takes a sensible approach to developing its real estate assets by assuming the burden of carrying out the complex project development responsibilities, thus providing the development team, with a complete and thorough understanding of the overall development program.
We primarily serve to revitalize existing and or new real estate developments in urban markets in Northwest Indiana, Chicago and the Midwest. When providing our services on behalf of Gateway as an Owner or as an Owners Representative, the Owner is typically responsible for all development cost to include all soft cost, development fees, land acquisitions, financing cost, closing cost, insurance cost, design fees, project managment fees, construction management fees, construction cost, FF&E, and other associated development cost.